So you got OpenSolaris on your local machine and you would like to try out Zones. This tutorial will give you a 15 minute by-example guide to setting up your first zone, and after that explain a few things hands-on, showing you where what is.
There are a few things to understand about Zones before we start:
First thing is the concept of the Global Zone - the "base" operating system instance is the Global zone and all other "local zones" run under the control of the global zone.
Secondly you get three types of local Zones, being Full root zones, Sparse root zones, and Branded Zones. These differ in what gets copied into the zone's root file system, as well as in how they start up. Branded Zones, which starts up using custom scripts and provides special hooks into the operating system, can emulate a different kernel, but that is a topic for another day.
A Full root zone gets a complete copy of all the Solaris installed package files, which needs about 5 GB of storage. A Sparse zone only gets its own /etc and /dev, which saves on space but it uses a read-only loop-back mounted copy of other directories, such as /opt and /usr. Copying all the files into a Full root zone takes some 10 minutes longer than setting up a sparse zone and uses 5 GB more, but because /usr and /opt is writable it results in a more flexible (read more useful) example environment.
Normally before you set up a zone you would need to do thorough planning, taking care of a things like disk space/file systems, CPU and memory resource allocations, maybe even special boot options. But for a quick start lets just assume defaults for most things.
You do need to work out a few details before you start.
1. Select a name for the zone. This can also be the "hostname" for the virtual OS instance in the zone.
2. Select an IP address and identify on which interface it will live.
3. Identify a spot on your file system where the Zone root will be installed.
Lets call the zone "myfirstzone", let it use IP address on interface e1000g0, and give it a directory /export/zones/myfirstzone
mkdir -m 0700 /export/zones/myfirstzone
Yes, you guessed right, later we can add more zones under /export/zones. Be aware, if you don't restrict the permissions on the directory, the zone installation later on will fail with a security error.
The commands for working with zones are:
zonecfg - Change a zone's configuration / setup. This will create and/or modify the xml base configuration of a zone.
zoneadm - Manipulate running zones, eg rebooting and showing their status.
zlogin - Connect to a zone (Create a shell session in a zone or connect to the zone's console)
Without further ado, creating the zone using zonecfg
zonecfg -z myfirstzone
zonecfg:myfirstzone> create
zonecfg:myfirstzone> set zonepath=/export/zones/myfirstzone
zonecfg:myfirstzone> add net
zonecfg:myfirstzone:net> set address=
zonecfg:myfirstzone:net> set physical=e1000g0
zonecfg:myfirstzone:net> end
zonecfg:myfirstzone> commit
zonecfg:myfirstzone> exit
The basic Zone has now been set up. We can view it using this command
zonecfg -z myfirstzone export
create -b
set zonepath=/export/zones/myfirstzone
set autoboot=false
set ip-type=shared
add net
set address=
set physical=e1000g0
Now to populate it with Solaris packages/files, very simply use the zoneadm install command. This process takes a good 15 minutes or more, and you should see output like this:
bash-3.2# zoneadm -z myfirstzone install
Preparing to install zone .
Creating list of files to copy from the global zone.
Copying <187209> files to the zone.
Initializing zone product registry.
Determining zone package initialization order.
Preparing to initialize <1282> packages on the zone.
Initialized <1282> packages on zone.
Zone is initialized.
Installation of <1> packages was skipped.
The file contains a log of the zone installation.
The install process is highly disk IO intensive. If you're building a zone on the same disk from which the system is running, the resulting disk contention can cause it to run quite a bit longer, up to an hour on systems with slow disks.
Use this time to scan through the man pages for the zone commands. There is also an introductory man page, i.e zones(5).
Also while this install is running use the time to look at the output from these commands:
zonecfg -z myfirstzone info
zoneadm list -vc
Once the installation process finishes, you can boot the zone and log in. During the first login, you need to login on the zone console and provide the system identification information prompted.
zoneadm -z myfirstzone boot; zlogin -C myfirstzone
[Connected to zone 'myfirstzone' console]
SunOS Release 5.11 Version snv_80 64-bit
Copyright 1983-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Hostname: zoneone
System identification is completed.
rebooting system due to change(s) in /etc/default/init
[NOTICE: Zone rebooting]
SunOS Release 5.11 Version snv_80 64-bit
Copyright 1983-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Hostname: zoneone
Reading ZFS config: done.
zoneone console login:
Now log in as root with the password you just set, and run a few commands in the zone;
- Do a ps -ef in the zone, and another one in the Global zone, and compare the output.
- Also compare the output from a few other commands, particularly df -h, uptime, zonename, hostname, ifconfig, and uptime. On the ifconfig -a command output, note the zone identifier for each interface, as well as the multiple loopback identifiers.
For now I will leave you to marvel at the differences and similarities, but I will point out one process running in the global zone, namely zoneadmd. It manages the zone environment, ensures that its file systems and network interfaces are mounted and plumbed, etc. There will be an instance of it for every running non-Global zone.
Disconnecting from the zone Console requires that you enter the "disconnect" escape sequence, by default ~. (A tilde followed by a full stop) If you're already working remotely using something like SSH, use ~~. - The extra tilde character will inform SSH that it should not itself act on the disconnect command, but rather pass it on down the server. It is also possible to change your escape sequences, but I'll reserve that for a small blog article on another day. Note that disconnecting the console is NOT the same as logging out of the zones - processes like prstat will continue to run on the zone's console and you can reconnect later by again by running "zlogin -C myfirstzone"
Now that the zone is running, lets do a few interesting things with it.
First, in the Global Zone, have another look at what you see from zoneadm list -vc. Other interesting command are "prstat -Z", as well as "df -Z"
Next try out zlogin sans the -C option which would put you on the console. Use exit, logout, or ^D to disconnect.
Create a new user in the zone
zlogin myfirstzone
mkdir /export/home
useradd -d /export/home/joe -m joe
passwd joe
Use SSH to login to the zone from another machine, using the zone's IP address. Confirm where you logged in to using hostname, and zonename.
Now lets start an FTP server in the zone:
zlogin myfirstzone svcadm enable ftpd
zlogin as used above runs the specified command directly in the zone. You can check the results using by ftp-ing to the zone, though you need to use a user like joe created above, which can login via the network.
Finally, lets add some disk space to our existing zone. This could have been done during the configuration process, but that would have defeated the purpose of showing how to add something to a zone.
I don't have an extra disk device, so I'll use a loop-back (lofi) device.
cd /export/zones
mkfile 1g fakedev_for_myfirstzone
lofiadm -a `pwd`/fakedev_for_myfirstzone
newfs /dev/lofi/1
/dev/rlofi/1: Unable to find Media type. Proceeding with system determined parameters.
newfs: construct a new file system /dev/rlofi/1: (y/n)? y
/dev/rlofi/1: 2097000 sectors in 3495 cylinders of 1 tracks, 600 sectors
1023.9MB in 219 cyl groups (16 c/g, 4.69MB/g, 2240 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -F ufs -o b=#) at:
32, 9632, 19232, 28832, 38432, 48032, 57632, 67232, 76832, 86432,
2006432, 2016032, 2025632, 2035232, 2044832, 2054432, 2064032, 2073632,
2083232, 2092832
There are at least 3 ways in which this file system can be added into the domain. I will mount it in the global zone, then loop it into "myfirstzone" (This allws you to mount it into multiple zones should you so wish.)
mkdir mountpoint_for_myfirstzone_space1
mount /dev/lofi/1 `pwd`/mountpoint_for_myfirstzone_space1
zonecfg -z myfirstzone
zonecfg:myfirstzone> add fs
zonecfg:myfirstzone:fs> set type=lofs
zonecfg:myfirstzone:fs> set special=/export/zones/mountpoint_for_myfirstzone_space1
zonecfg:myfirstzone:fs> set dir=/space1
zonecfg:myfirstzone:fs> end
zonecfg:myfirstzone> verify
zonecfg:myfirstzone> confirm
zonecfg:myfirstzone> exit
Make the change take effect
zoneadm -z myfirstzone reboot
Log back into the zone, and look at the output of df again. Compare this with the output from df in the global-zone ...
I'll post a follow-up article explaining some of the more advanced zone configuration topics, but hopefully you'll be impressed with how easy this all is. If you want to know why zones work, thing chroot jail combined with ppriv's (man privileges)
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